Weather Forecast – 25/10/2018
Italian temperatures are expected to be stable in the range between 13,8 °C (value that should be reached on Tuesday 30/10) and 17,7 °C (on Saturday 27/10).
On the continental Europe, the last run of the weather model shows a strong decrease of temperature. Lower temperatures will be reached in Monday, with the Switzerland at 3,5 °C, France at 4,8 °C and Germany at 5,1 °C. From Tuesday, it is expected an increase of temperature with a peak a 10 °C in Germania. We forecast a same trend between Spain and UK and continental Europe, in which UK.
Variations from last forecast:
Compared to last forecast, Italy is simulated higher in all the days. Important spreads are registered in Monday (+1,2 °C) and in Thursday 1 November (+0,7 °C).
Germany has similar variations of Italy, but with a less movement. The bigger variation is registered on Tuesday 31/10 (+0,8 °C).
France, Switzerland and Belgium are forecasted slightly below the last forecasts.
Today forecast of Spains and UK are comparable with the last forecasts in all days except 1 and 2 November in Spain which are forecasted -1,6 °C below yesterday.
Historic Comparison:
Italian temperatures are forecast above the normal in the all the period (until 2,6 °C, value registered in Monday) and below in Tuesday and Wedsneday.
Continental Europe temperatures are forecasted under the normal in all the period. Deep spreads are registered in France and Spain (-6,9 °C and -9,0 °C on Monday).