Weather Forecast – 18/02/2019
Germany expected to decline slightly between today (7,5 °C) and Wednesday (6 °C). Levels gradually rising in the second part of the week (8,5 °C for Sunday). A sharp decrease is expected for the first three days of the next week (3,5 °
C for 27/02).After the minimum expected for tomorrow (7 °C) the French values will undergo a progressive rise, reaching the maximum between Sunday and Tuesday (10 °C).
Spain has gradually increasing temperatures between today (9 °C) and the first two days of next week (11 °C).
The British temperatures, after the minimum of 6,8 °C expected for tomorrow, will undergo a strong growth. Temperatures should stabilize around 10-10,5 °C between Thursday and Saturday. Levels gradually retracing from Sunday onwards (5,8 °C for 27/02).
Variations from last forecast:
Compared to the last forecast, Italian temperatures have been revised upwards from Saturday onwards. Anomalous variations are found for Sunday and Monday (+5,5 °C). Germany has positive differences between Friday and Monday (+4/5 °C for the weekend). France has been revised upwards from Saturday onwards (+2/3 °C on Sunday and Monday).
Spain shows a slight decrease for the weekend (-1,7 °C).
The United Kingdom has been revised up until Sunday (+0,6 °C). Negative changes for the first two days of the next week.
Historic Comparison:
Italian temperatures expected to be in the norm until Wednesday. The gradual rise in temperatures generates positive deviations from Thursday onwards. The greatest deviation is found for Monday (+4 °C).
Values higher than normal on Germany until next Tuesday. The deltas are generally between +4 °C and +5 °C for the current week. Values in the norm for 27/02.
France has temperatures above normal at least until 27/02. Deviations higher than +3 °C from Thursday onwards, with a peak of +4,4 °C expected for Sunday and Monday.
Spain provided in the norm until Wednesday. Deviations range between +0,5 °C and +1,5 °C from Thursday onwards.
Positive deviations on the United Kingdom at least until the end of the month. Anomalous differences are found between Wednesday and Sunday (+4,5/6 °C).