Weather Forecast – 17/03/2020



Italian temperatures are expected to stabilise around 12-12,5 °C between Thursday and Saturday. A sharp drop is detected over the next days with lows of 4 °C found on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.


In Germany, temperatures should reach the highs tomorrow and Thursday (10 °C) and fall sharply from Friday on. Lows of 0-0,5 °C are detected over the first three days of next week. Temperatures around 11 °C in France over the next two days. Also in this case daily values should fall and reach a low of 2,5 °C on Wednesday next week. Switzerland shows below 0 °C over the next week.

In Spain, daily values should reach 12,5 °C over the next two days and stabilise around 10 °C starting from the week end.


Falling temperatures in the UK. Daily values around 4-5 °C from Thursday on, down by 3-4 °C compared to today.



Variations from last forecast:


Compared to the last forecast, in Italy temperatures have been revised sharply down from Monday on (-6,5 °C).

Negative deviations also in Germany from Sunday on (-3,5 °C).

France has negative deviations from Monday on (-6 °C).

Spain has been revised up between Sunday and Tuesday with a maximum deviation of +5 °C detected on Monday.

The UK shows positive deviations between Saturday and Tuesday next week (+1,1 °C).



Historic Comparison:


In Italy, temperatures are expected to remain almost normal until Sunday. The fall of temperatures should generate negative anomalies from Monday on (-7/-8 °C on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).


Germany shows above normal temperatures until Friday (+4/+5 °C until Thursday). Temperatures should fall below normal starting from the week end. Above normal temperatures also in France until Thursday. Below normal values are detected starting from Saturday.

In Spain, temperatures are expected to be normal over the next two days. Negative deviations from Friday on with anomalies around -2/-3 °C from the week end.


In the UK, below normal temperatures are found from Thursday on. 

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