Weather Forecast – 20/07/2020
Italian temperatures are expected to grow from today (24,3 °C) to D+2 (26,5 °C). Temperatures will fall in D+5 (24 °C) and are expected to slowly decrease for the rest of the analysed period. The lowest temperature are forecasted in D+8 (22,8 °C).
Spanish temperatures are expected to be stable for the observed period. In particular the highest temperature will be in D+8 (26,3 °C), while the lowest will be in D+5 (24,3 °C).
In continental Europe the range among Countries will be limited (max 7 °C) until D+5, then the range is expected to be smaller for the rest of the observation. The high peak for all the countries is expected to be on D+3. In particular, France will have to highest temperatures for almost the whole observed period. While UK will have the lowest temperatures until D+6, for the rest of the days Switzerland is expected to have to lowest temperatures.
Switzerland temperatures variates much over the analysis, in fact in D+3 the temperature will be the highest among all Countries (22 °C), while on D+8 (11,9 °C), it will be the lowest .
Variations from last forecast:
Compared to the last forecast, temperatures have been revised generally with positive sign.
In particular the highest variations are expected in D+6 in Germany (+2,6 °C), France (+3,4 °C), Switzerland (+4,7 °C) and Belgium (+3 °C).
The most relevant negative variations are registered in Belgium in D+4 (-1,9 °C), in UK in D+5 (-1,7 °C) and in Germany in D+5 (-1,3 °C).
Negative variations are registered in Italy and Spain; however, the variation is never below -0,8 °C.
Historic Comparison:
Among all Countries temperatures are expected to be below the historical average.
In particular, high differences are registered in continental Europe. Germany will be below the historical average by -3,4 °C in D+5 and France registers -4,3 °C in D+8. Switzerland shows the highest variations in D+7 (-6,6 °C), in D+8 (-8,1 °C) and in D+9 (-5,7 °C).
Positive variations are registered in Italy, Spain and Switzerland and France. The highest variations are expected in Switzerland in D+3 (+1,8 °C) and in Italy in D+4 (+1,2 °C).