Weather Forecast – 28/05/2020
In Germany, temperatures are expected to stabilise around 12,5 °C until Sunday. Also in this case, values should rise from Monday on (17-18 °C between Tuesday and Friday). France shows stable values until Monday (16 °C). After the temporary rise (17,5 °C on Tuesday and Wednesday), daily temperatures should fall with a low of 13 °C detected on Friday.
Spain has temperatures around 21-22 °C until Monday. A progressive decline is detected over the remaining of next week (15 °C on Saturday 06/06).
The UK shows temperatures around 16 °C until Monday. Falling values from Tuesday on (10 °C on Thursday and Friday).
Variations from last forecast:
Compared to the last forecast, in Italy temperatures have been revised slightly down between Wednesday and Friday next week (-0,7 °C).
Germany shows sharp positive corrections on Thursday and Friday next week (+5/+6 °C). France has been revised down by 1 °C between tomorrow and Monday.
Spain has been revised down by 3 °C on Thursday and Friday next week.
The UK has been revised down between Tuesday and Thursday next week (-5,3 °C on Wednesday).
Historic Comparison:
In Italy, temperatures are expected to be below normal until Saturday next week (-2 °C).
Temperatures below normals in Germany until Sunday (-2,2 °C). Positive deviations are detected from Tuesday on (+2/+3 °C). France has normal values until Sunday. Below normal temperatures are detected between Thursday and Saturday next week (-2,8 °C).
Spain shows above normal temperatures until Monday next week (+2,0 °C). Negative anomalies are found from Wednesday on (-3,8 °C).
In the UK, above normal temperatures are found until Tuesday next week (+3,0 °C). Also in this case negative deviations are found between Wednesday and Friday next week (-2,9 °C).