Spot gas ES – 01/03/2021

Spanish spot gas prices move up influenced by the increase in European gas markets. Lower temperatures push conventional demand up while CCGTs’ utilization decreases.

Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 1st amounts to 10.5 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 28th amounted to 109 GWh, 10.3 % of daily demand.

Spanish DA reference price for the 1st goes up to 16.42 €/MWh (+0.59 €/MWh) with respect to previous Friday. Intraday auction price for the 1st moves up to 17.50 €/MWh (+1.45 €/MWh).

Demand forecast for the 1st decreases to 1,068 GWh (-7 GWh) with respect to previous Friday. Conventional demand goes up to 966 GWh (+46 GWh), and power sector demand moves down to 102 GWh (-50 GWh).

On the 28th, LNG inflows were 37.5% of total supply. There were no inflows from France.

On the European gas markets: TTF end of day price for the 1st increases to 15.84 €/MWh (+0.08 €/MWh) and PEG price moves up to 15.67 €/MWh (+0.03 €/MWh).