Category: Forward Market

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 10/03/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (March 9th), reference prices moved up in all maturities influenced by the increase in European forward gas prices. On the 9th, 13.2 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Apr-21 price increased to

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 09/03/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (March 8th), reference prices moved down in all maturities influenced by the decrease in European forward gas prices. On the 8th, 3 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Apr-21 price decreased to

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 08/03/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (March 5th), reference prices moved up in all maturities due to the upward pressures in European gas markets. On the 5th, 25.2 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Apr-21 price increased to

Daily Forward Gas Update

Mercati del gas in rialzo in apertura della settimana odierna. Il front month del ttf avanza di circa 0,40 €/MWh rispetto la precedente rilevazione e si porta in area 16,50 €/MWh, il cal ahead del ttf incrementa invece di 0,25 €/MWh su base giornaliera e oltrepassa quota 17,00 €/MWh. La curva a termine beneficia del

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 05/03/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (March 4th), reference prices moved up in all maturities due to the increase in European gas markets. On the 4th, 15 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Apr-21 price increased to 15.83

Daily Forward Gas Update

Prezzi del gas in recupero nella sessione di mercato odierna. Al ttf il front month si porta nuovamente in area 16,00 €/MWh dopo che ieri era sceso sui 15,50 €/MWh; il cal ahead oltrepassa di nuovo quota 16,50 €/MWh. La parte breve della curva a termine è supportata dal peggioramento termico che si riscontra in

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 04/03/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (March 3rd), month and quarter-ahead reference prices moved down due to the decrease in European forward gas prices and year-ahead price remained stable. On the 3rd, 27 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 03/03/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (March 2nd), reference prices moved down in all maturities due to the decrease in oil prices and in European forward gas prices. On the 2nd, there were no exchanges reported in April-21 contracts. Regarding reference prices: Apr-21 price decreased to 15.80 €/MWh (-0.25 €/MWh).

Daily Forward Gas Update

Andamento discendente per le quotazioni gas nelle contrattazioni odierne. Al ttf il front month cede circa 0,40 €/MWh rispetto la rilevazione di ieri e cala in zona 15,60 €/MWh circa; il cal ahead esibisce una performance negativa marginale e tratta in area 16,50 €/MWh. La parte breve della curva risente del calo della domanda sulle

Daily Forward Gas Update

Variazioni marginali sul mercato del gas rispetto le rilevazioni di ieri.            Il front month al ttf continua a trattare in zona 16,00 €/MWh; il cal ahead cede poco più di 0,10 €/MWh, ma si mantiene oltre quota 16,50 €/MWh. Nonostante il peggioramento termico atteso nei prossimi giorni, gli operatori tengono

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