Category: Forward Market

Daily Forward Gas Update

Mercato del gas in deciso calo nelle contrattazioni odierne. Lo short term cede circa 0,80 €/MWh rispetto gli scambi di venerdì con il contratto che si posiziona leggermente al di sotto dei 16,00 €/MWh; il long term indietreggia di circa 0,35 €/MWh e il prodotto cal ahead passa di mano al di sotto del supporto

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 19/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 18th), reference prices increased in all maturities due to the upward pressures in European gas markets. On the 18th, 62.9 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved up to

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 18/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 17th), reference prices decreased in all maturities due to lower European gas prices. On the 17th, 68.2 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21 and 6 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved down to 16.00 €/MWh

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 17/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 16th), reference prices increased in all maturities due to the upward pressures in European gas markets. On the 16th, 38.8 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21 and 7.2 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved up

Daily Forward Gas Update

Mercato del gas stabile rispetto la rilevazione di ieri; sia il front month che il cal ahead viaggiano poco al di sotto dei 17,00 €/MWh. I fondamentali continuano a essere piuttosto ribassisti. Le temperature proseguono su valori superiori alle normali di periodo, la produzione rinnovabile in Germania è sostenuta e migliora il flusso di LNG

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 16/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 15th), reference prices decreased in all maturities due to lower European prices. On the 15th, 30.1 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21 and 6 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved down to 15.70 €/MWh (-1.05

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 15/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 12th), reference prices showed different movements depending on the maturity. On the 12th, 12.4 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved up to 16.75 €/MWh (+0.07 €/MWh). Q2-21 price

Daily Forward Gas Update

Prezzi del gas in discesa sulla parte breve della curva mentre restano invariati i contratti long term; il front month al ttf scambia sui 16,80 €/MWh con una retrocessione di circa 0,80 €/MWh rispetto la rilevazione di venerdì, mentre il cal ahead sempre al ttf si conferma al di sotto dei 17,00 €/MWh. Il ritorno

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 12/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 11th), reference prices decreased in all maturities influenced by the fall of European prices. On the 11th, 18.6 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved down to 16.68 €/MWh

Daily Forward Power Update

In deciso ribasso il mercato power che esprime le variazioni peggiori sui contratti long term; infatti la prima linea mensile lascia sul campo oltre 0,50 €/MWh su base giornaliera mentre il cal ahead indietreggi di oltre 1 €/MWh. La settimana in corso si sta chiudendo con un rialzo di circa il 5% sul mercato spot

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