Tag: Day Ahead

Spot gas ES – 09/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices go up pushed by higher European prices. Demand remains at low levels due to scarce CCGTs’ utilisation caused by high wind production. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 9th amounts to 58 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 8th amounted to 123 GWh.

Spot gas ES – 05/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices move up influenced by the increase in European gas prices. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 5th amounts to 51.5 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 4th amounted to 105 GWh, 10% of daily demand. Spanish DA reference price for the 5th moves

Spot gas ES – 04/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices go down. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 4th amounts to 41 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 3rd amounted to 99 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the 4th moves down to 17.47 €/MWh (-0.31 €/MWh) with respect to previous day. Intraday

Spot gas ES – 03/02/2021

Spanish DA gas price moves up while intraday auction price decreases slightly. Demand level remains stable. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 3rd amounts to 38.3 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 2nd amounted to 154 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the 3rd moves up to

Spot gas ES – 02/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices move down due to the decrease in European prices while demand remains stable. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 2nd amounts to 55.1 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 1st amounted to 112 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the 2nd moves down

Spot gas ES – 01/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices move up slightly due to higher demand. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 1st amounts to 10.8 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 31st amounted to 224 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the 1st moves up to 19.91 €/MWh (+0.25 €/MWh) with

Day Ahead Power IT – 02/02/2021

Andamento contrastato per i prezzi spot italiani su base giornaliera. Il PUN si attesta a 58,98 €/MWh (-1,29 €/MWh). Allineate le zone NORD, CNOR  a 58,96 €/MWh (-1,91 €/MWh). Più bassi CSUD, SUD, CALA e SARD a 58,14 €/MWh (rispettivamente -1,36€/MWh CSUD, SUD e SARD e  +4,38 €/MWh la CALA). La zona SICI presenta il

Spot gas ES – 29/01/2021

Spanish spot gas prices go up influenced by higher European prices. Volumes traded on the Spanish gas exchange (MIBGAS) are above the average levels. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 29th amounts to 65.4 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 28th amounted to 181 GWh, 17.5% of

Spot gas ES – 28/01/2021

Spanish spot gas prices fall due to lower demand. Demand goes down due to milder temperatures and lower CCGTs’ utilization. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 28th amounts to 90.1 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 27th amounted to 188 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the

Spot gas ES – 27/01/2021

Spanish spot gas prices continue to go down due to decreasing demand. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 27th amounts to 37.6 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 26th amounted to 128.7 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the 27th moves down to 22.09 €/MWh (-1.25 €/MWh)

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