Tag: Gas

Prompt Gas IT – 08/02/2021

Il 07 febbraio 2021 il prezzo di riferimento del mercato MI Gas ha chiuso a 19,309 €/MWh (+7,48%) con volumi scambiati pari a 80,184 GWh. Il mercato OTC venerdì scorso ha visto scambi al PSV per il DA a 18,4 €/MWh (+6,05%). Le quotazioni OTC al TTF hanno registrato per il DA un valore di

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 08/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 5th), reference prices moved up in all maturities due to increasing European prices. On the 5th, 9.3 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21 and 3.6 GWh were traded for delivery in Apr-21. Regarding reference prices: Mar-21 price moved up to 18.23 €/MWh

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 08/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices move up due to increasing European gas prices and higher demand. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 8th amounts to 17.8 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 7th amounted to 106 GWh, 9.9% of daily demand. Spanish DA reference price for the 8th

Daily Forward Gas Update

L’ondata di freddo che sta colpendo l’Europa continentale mette le ali ai prezzi del gas. Il front month del ttf guadagna circa 1,20 €/MWh rispetto la rilevazione di venerdì passato con il contratto che tratta sui 20,00 €/MWh; meno decisa la salita del cal ahead che avanza poco meno di 0,50 €/MWh. La parte breve

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 05/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 4th), reference prices showed different movements. Month and quarter-ahead prices went up due to the increase in demand while year-ahead price remained stable. On the 4th, 23.3 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding

Spot gas ES – 05/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices move up influenced by the increase in European gas prices. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 5th amounts to 51.5 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 4th amounted to 105 GWh, 10% of daily demand. Spanish DA reference price for the 5th moves

Prompt Gas IT – 05/02/2021

Il 04 febbraio 2021 il prezzo di riferimento del mercato MI Gas ha chiuso a 17,23 €/MWh (-1,58%) con volumi scambiati pari a 228,12 GWh. Il mercato OTC ha visto scambi al PSV per il DA a 17,35 €/MWh (-3,07%). Le quotazioni OTC al TTF hanno registrato per il DA un valore di 18 €/MWh

Spanish Forward Gas Update – 04/02/2021

On the last day reported on the Spanish forward gas market (February 3rd), reference prices showed different movements. Month and quarter-ahead prices went down due to the fall in European prices while year-ahead price increased. On the 3rd, 48 GWh were traded for delivery in Mar-21. There were no exchanges reported in longer-term contracts. Regarding

Spot gas ES – 04/02/2021

Spanish spot gas prices go down. Volume traded in DA contracts for delivery on the 4th amounts to 41 GWh. Total spot volumes traded on MIBGAS for delivery on the 3rd amounted to 99 GWh. Spanish DA reference price for the 4th moves down to 17.47 €/MWh (-0.31 €/MWh) with respect to previous day. Intraday

February 4, 2021

Quotazioni gas in recupero; il front month del ttf mette a segno una variazione positiva superiore a 0,50 €/MWh su base giornaliera, mentre il cal ahead sempre all’hub olandese avanza poco meno di 0,30 €/MWh. Il contratto mensile si riporta oltre quota 18,00 €/MWh favorito dalla prospettiva di riduzione delle temperature che a partire dal

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